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Form Publication 915 Vancouver Washington: What You Should Know
S15 is also available. Vancouver, WA REV 5:1037 C.F. 13-1038 Civil penalty schedule. The permit holder must send the notice of violation directly to the owner or other person in possession of the unit if there is the right person. (a) Any person that violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to: (A) A fine not exceeding one hundred dollars (100); (B) Imprisonment not exceeding six months (6) months in the county jail; or (C) Both fine and imprisonment; and (B) Upon a second, willful, and repeated violation, is subject to imprisonment in lieu of fines and a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars (250) nor more than one thousand dollars (1,000) (a “felony.”) The penalties provided for as fines and imprisonment in this section shall not have applicability where the civil penalty for this section is set by law to a greater amount than the penalties provided for as fine and imprisonment provided for herein. Civil penalty for the violation of this section may not be reduced by the permit holder's payment of a penalty for the violation. Civil penalty for the violation of this section may not be used to reduce any assessment that must be made before a final order may be issued for a failure with respect to a permit. The failure to provide an alternate or equivalent amount of shelter will not be considered an amount of shelter. The permit holder shall provide written notice to the owner of the violation in person or by registered mail. (b) A permit may not be issued, renewed, or reinstated in any case where a permit holder has failed to pay a civil penalty imposed hereunder. If such fine is not paid, the permit may be revoked. The civil penalty shall not be assessed against the purchaser of a permit, nor against a permit holder. (d) The civil penalty, interest, prosecution costs, and attorney's fees from the civil penalty assessed shall be retained by the city of Vancouver. (e) On or after April 1, 2017, the city of Vancouver shall inform the permit holder in writing of the civil penalty required by this section on the last day of each calendar month.
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